Aspects to Determine the Ideal Position for Vinyl Speakers

The following aspects will help you to determine the best position for vinyl turntable speakers:

The Gap

This is for sure the most crucial aspect, and if you have to take one tip from this article, I would recommend you to pick this one. Speakers for vinyl must be placed at a suitable distance apart to provide a stereo picture. What would be the perfect distance? This relies on the elevation level of speakers, the gap from your listening location, as well as the width of the area. However, two meters (or a somewhat less, 6.50ft if you’re using non metric weights and measurements) is a decent starting point. This estimate is one that several speakers’ manufacturers use as a preliminary step throughout their items’ design process.

You’ll then choose a listening place for vinyl speakers that is approximately parallel between both the speakers or at a range that helps you create a triangular shape with one line linking the speakers and yourself. It’s doubtful that every standard set of speakers would sound bad after this—some may be built to sound great, but almost all can produce a convincing stereo impression from this location.


What happens next?  Based on your triangle’s flatness concerning the equalization, whether the speakers are more than 2 m wide or actually who built them, you can notice that having some tilt on the speakers revamp the overall scenario. What exactly is tilt-in? It is pushing your speakers inward and into the listening place so that they look down the rows of the imaginary triangle. Tilt-in outcomes are highly contingent on the speaker utilized.


Once you’ve placed the speakers on an appropriate angle, make sure they’re at the proper height. Therefore, these can change based on several reasons, some of which may be under your influence and few are obviously not. The easiest way to start is to align your trebles so that they are approximately at the ear’s level while you are in the ideal hearing position. As in the 2 m principle, this is a good starting point for striving to achieve the desired outcomes.

Get Them Out

This is the most basic thing, which might sound simple to you, but you are unaware that it could make a huge difference, so if your speakers are behind the sofa or even inside the cabinet, then get them out now and see the magic for yourself. If you have got the fundamentals correct, you’ll be surprised by what your speaker system can achieve.